According to the professionals the needles for embroidery should be chosen once you have chosen the thread. Assuming that we have already chosen the thread and now it is the time for us to select the needles for embroidery.

Let us first introduce the parts of the middle

Before you select the needle for your machine, you need to get familiar to the parts of the middle.

  1. Shank: The shank is the flat or round part of the needle when you hold set screw
  2. Blade: Blade is the part of shade to the point
  3. Scarf: The scarf will basically hook case to come closer to the needle eye and thread so that a stitch is made.
  4. Long Groove: The purpose of the long groove is to protect channel of thread as it passes through fabric.
  5. Eye: The eye is available in different sizes. It carries bobbin.

How to select needles

The first and the major thing you need to know is that you need to select the right needle. The selection of the right needles for embroidery is very much important if you want to keep your machine safe and sound. The needle should be of high quality and it must fit well in your machine. If it is not fitting well, you need to go for some other needle. You must not buy low quality needles in order to save some money. The low quality needles will damage your machine and will turn out to be an expensive option. So, at first, you need to go for the best quality needles.

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Needles for Embroidery

Needles for Embroidery

You must also ensure that you make use of the Crewel needles. These needles are being used widely for different embroidery projects. The design and the structure of these needles are very unique. It comes with a medium eye, a sharp teeth and a thinner shaft. All these together make it perfect for embroidery. It offers smooth and perfect stitching and will not disappoint you at any level.

The tapestry needle is also one of the popular needles for embroidery and it is something you must also consider. The needle has a long eye and the rest is the same as of the crewel needle. The only difference is that the tip of this needle is blunt. So, the needle with blunt tip can be very much beneficial in some important type of clothing or stitching.

The next needle in the list is the Chenile needle. The needle is different and has something to offer that you will surely love. It has a long eye, sharp teeth and a slightly thinner shaft. It is one of the best options when it comes to needles for embroidery. It is simply the perfect choice that ensures excellent result. Have a look at some of the projects carries out using this needle and you will be able to know about the perfection and smoothness of it. You will surely love the work.

Another needle known as the Milliner needle and popularly known as the straw needle is also one of the best options when it comes to needles for embroidery. The eye of this needle is small and round. The shaft has exactly the same thickness with two other needles. It also has a sharp tip. It ensures the smooth stitching and is capable of producing the results you want.

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The last, but surely not the least is Specialty Needle. As the name suggests, the needle is one of the most special and unique needles. It can give many benefits to different users. It has a special way of usage. The needle is curved and is perfect for people who are involved a lot more in beading. This needle is simply perfect for you no matter what. The name says it all. Once you have this needle, you are free from all the worries and so. You just need to look how easily and perfectly it gets all the things done for you. Absolute perfection is what it is.

At The End

If you want a unique and an interesting stitching experience, you need to make sure that the right kind of needle is selected. It is very much important for you to have the right kind of needle. You must spend some time and carefully select the needle for your machine. Only the correct needles for embroidery can save your machine from damages and so. You need to select the best quality needle. Only the best quality needle can provide the best quality results. Similarly, low quality needles will give you the low quality of the poor results. The needle should be such that it is perfect for your machine and it works perfectly on the fabric and it should serve the purpose.



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