How to Use an Embroidery Machine: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Learning how to use an embroidery machine can turn out to be a daunting task especially if you have no past experience at all. Although most machines nowadays are automatic and perform most tasks in the whole embroidery process by themselves, you still need to adjust the settings to achieve the desired task. Moreover, you also need to be absolutely aware of the capabilities of your machine. Despite how hard it apparently seems, learning how to use an embroidery machine is a relatively easy task that has been made even easier by the fact that machines nowadays are being designed to be as user friendly as possible.

Prepare all the things you need

Prepare all the things you need

The first step in learning how to use an embroidery machine is to ensure that you have all the required things. These things include the thread, bobbin, fabric, needles, embroidery computer software, stabilizer and needless to say, the embroidery machine itself. The stabilizer is required so that fabric can be held in its place. One important thing is to make sure that you only use those type of needles that are suitable for the fabric you are using. You should use the instructions manual whenever you are confused or in doubt regarding how to use an embroidery machine.

Choosing the right needle

Choosing the right needle

It is ideal to use those type of needles that have been particularly designed for use with embroidery threads. The size of the needle you choose should depend on the fabric’s weight. Most commercial embroidery machines make use of needles that are round shank and most domestic embroidery machines make use of shank needles that are flat-sided. Moreover, embroidery needles are categorized according to a standardized number system. A larger number indicates a larger number eye. On the other hand, a smaller needle generally means more accuracy. One good way to decide what needle size is ideal for a particular fabric is to experiment and play around with different types of needles.

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Choosing the right thread

Choosing the right thread

There are two types of threads that come in to play during embroidery. These are the bobbin thread and the embroidery thread. Embroidery thread has some features that distinguish it from ordinary sewing threads. First of all it is thinner than them. Embroidery threads are also stronger than normal sewing threads. The function of the bobbin thread is to make the back of the embroidery design lighter than the front of the embroidery machine. Furthermore, the most popular types of embroidery threads are polyester and rayon. Both have their own pros and cons and hence, choosing between them can turn out to be a dilemma. If we analyze even further, rayon has a very slight edge over polyester in popularity. However, polyester is slightly less expensive than rayon.

Set up your embroidery machine

Set up your embroidery machineThere are many apparent similarities in setting up and embroidery machine and setting up a sewing machine. First, you need to connect your machine to a power supply by plugging it in. Most machines can also be connected to computer using a USB port and cable. Most embroidery machines nowadays come with embroidery software that has been pre-installed and well tested for any types of errors or bugs.

Thread the bobbin

Thread the bobbin

Every embroidery machine is different and hence it is essential that you thread the bobbin in a way that has been described in the operation manual. The whole procedure for this will surely be mentioned in the manual as well. If you can see the bobbin thread on both sides of the fabric, that means that the bobbin has not been installed correctly. This error can also cause the needle you are using to break.

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Select the design and embroider

Select the design and embroider

The next step after loading the fabric into the embroidery machine is to choose the design you want to implement. Most embroidery machine nowadays come with numerous built-in designs in their software. Other than that, they also give you the option to import designs into the machine from your computer or the internet. So that means that there a plethora of diverse designs that you can utilize. Selecting the particular design has been made fairly simple and easy in modern embroidery machines. A typical way to select the design is through a touch screen that displays a whole menu of the designs. Some machines also provide the option to modify and edit the designs.  The point cannot be stressed enough that the best way to learn how to use an embroidery machine is by actually using it yourself. In fact, this is the only way to learn about the minute details of the machine.

Hence, if you follow the tips mentioned above, you should be able to learn how to use an embroidery machine easily. Other than that, embroidery is a type of job that can be learned largely with your intuition as well.


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