How to Find & Fix Embroidery Machine Problems on Your Own?

Embroidery is the art of stitching or forming designs on clothes and fabrics. in olden times, these works were done by hands. So at that time it was known as a popular handicraft. But today even embroidery work is mechanized. Some embroidery works may also incorporate fancy metal pieces in addition to colorful threads.

Even though the embroidery machines significantly reduced or nullified many imperfections of embroidery works, there also occur certain embroidery machine problems. Some of these problems like machine not able to pick the bobbin thread; can be removed up to certain extent.

Types of machine embroidery

Types of machine embroidery

The embroidery works done by these machines may be divided into different types based on their methods.

First, we have the basic free motion machine embroidery which uses the traditional zigzag sewing technique. In this method, most of the work is done by us, so the overall finish and allure depends on our skill. Replication of embroidery works is possible only up to a certain extent by this method.

The other type of machine work is a more advanced or more precisely computerized. In this method, a computer installed with suitable software is connected to the embroidery machine. The embroidery work is controlled by the computer which significantly reduces the number of errors to nearly zero.

Tips and tricks in fixing embroidery machine not picking bobbin thread

This has been one of the most common embroidery machine problems since the beginning. Some tips and tricks which may prove useful when encountered with this problem are listed below.

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While the needle descends to pick up the bobbin thread, try holding the thread towards left. Then check if the bobbin thread is present using a darning needle.

You may try re-threading the whole machine which has proved useful on numerous occasions.

The tension in the bobbin screw should be adjusted accordingly. Very low and very high tensions are both undesirable.

You may be aware that the bobbins are available in a variety of sizes to suit various models. So the one causing problems may not be the one for your machine.

Adjust the position of the needle as this helps in some occasions. You should also make sure that the flat part of the needle and the holder is coincide or is properly aligned.

A proper fit of the needle in its holder is to be ensured prior to stitching. The lint in the bobbin area needs to be cleaned and the appropriate tension adjustments are to be made. The drive belt should also be suitably fit in its position.

The timing of the machine should be carefully calibrated. Before starting your work you may check if the needle is completely carrying out it’s up and down motion by manually turning the wheel. You should also make sure that the thread used is designed for machines and not hand sewing.

These tips and tricks should be able to help you when encountered with such embroidery machine problems.

Tips and tricks in fixing embroidery machine not trimming

embroidery machine problems such as this may be caused due to variety of causes. So, various steps are to be taken for solving them. Some tips that can be considered when faced with this situation are listed below.

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The manual provided at the time of purchase may provide the cause of the problem. So try checking it before proceeding.

Try making the tension in the thread appropriate. If the thread is too loose the trimmer may miss the thread or may not identify it.

If there is excess thread in the needle plate, this may cause the cutter to become non functional. Check if the movable knife is in its proper position and if the thread sufficiently wraps around the wheel.

Replace the needles because after long use they may cause burrs due to dull tips. Also ensure proper needle depth before use.

If the thread breaks, this can pose many such embroidery machine problems. So, old and overused threads should be replaced. If you are using hand sewing threads, this may also cause such problems. So, be sure to replace them, with machine threads. In case of dry threads, silicon sprays are commonly used.

The cutting knifes, both stationary and mobile, should be properly set. Also try adjusting the position of the drive knife protection. Make sure the drive knife is catching the lower thread as this becomes loose when trimming.

In the End

Most embroidery machine problems that were haunting the users over time are now being removed by advancements in technology and engineering. Before using a machine you should necessarily go through all the instructions given in its user’s manual which may help avoiding silly and unnecessary interruptions during your work. So by following all these tips and tricks you will surely be able to enjoy your embroidery work experience to the fullest.

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